
Karkki, Litter L, Litter S, Mato, Shows

Finnish Winner shows

Results from the Helsinki winner shows: 9.12.2017 Nordic Winner show, judge Benjamin Sanchez Garcia, Spain: Awanata’s Brezo JUN EXC 1 NORDJW-17 Berylline Lolita JUN EXC 3 Dark Legend’s Blowin’ in the Wind VET EXC 2   10.12. Finnish Winner: Awanata’s Brezo JUN EXC 1 CQ CAC BOS FINJW-17 FINW-17, judge David Allan, Spain Berylline Lolita […]

Karkki, Litter L, Shows

Seinäjoki INT

In Seinäjoki, Berylline Lolita ‘Saima’ was shown and she finished as 2nd best bitch with CAC and res-CACIB. Karkki was 1st in veteran class with CQ ans was BOS-veteran. Judge was Mr. Gerard Jipping from the Netherlands.

Halti, Karkki, Litter S, Shows

SIC Club Show 2017

The Finnish Italian Greyhound & Cirneco Dell’Etna Club’s annual unofficial breed speciality was held on July 17th in Tuomarinkartano, Helsinki. The judge was Alberto Lamperti (Del Discoletto) from Italy. Karkki, Halti, Kirppu and Kerttu were shown. Karkki: 9,5 years. Beautiful in type. Nice head with feminine expression. Well carried ears, good eyes. Good bite &

Karkki, Litter K, Litter S, Shows

Karkki FINVW-16

At the annual Finnish Winner shows Karkki debuted in veteran class on Saturday finishing EXC2 with CQ. The judge was Mr. Johan Juslin. On Sunday Karkki was placed 1st in veterans receiving a new title, Finnish Veteran Winner 2016. The judge was Mr. Henrik Härling from Sweden. Later on Gabriela Veiga from Portugal placed Karkki

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