Finnish Winner shows

Results from the Helsinki winner shows:

9.12.2017 Nordic Winner show, judge Benjamin Sanchez Garcia, Spain:

Awanata’s Brezo JUN EXC 1 NORDJW-17

Berylline Lolita JUN EXC 3

Dark Legend’s Blowin’ in the Wind VET EXC 2


10.12. Finnish Winner:

Awanata’s Brezo JUN EXC 1 CQ CAC BOS FINJW-17 FINW-17, judge David Allan, Spain

Berylline Lolita JUN EXC 2, judge Ray Lindholm, Sweden

Berylline Suklaamuffinssi WORKING EXC 1

Dark Legend’s Blowin’ in the Wind VET EXC 1 CQ BB2 FINVW-17


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